Changing People, Changing the World
Rollo Casiple, Senior Pastor
(786) 554-9208 / racasiple@aol.com
True Vine
is a name of Jesus that reminds us that in order to live and love like Jesus, we must live connected to Him for life and purpose.
“I am the true vine..." John 15:1
Christian reminds us that our desire is to live and love like Jesus as defined by what we believe the Bible teaches:
Church reminds us that we live and love like Jesus best when we are committed and united with other followers of Jesus:
Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 28:19-20; Ephesians 4:11-16; Acts 1:8
These verses reveal an interdependent relationship between transformation, community and multiplication that not only clarifies God's desire for His church but provides a firm foundation for what it means to live and love like Jesus. These same principles were taught, lived and multiplied by Jesus Himself in His relationship with His disciples. We seek to multiply followers of Jesus in the same way as Jesus did:
3 Qualities of Jesus' Discipleship
Jesus' example of raising up followers to live and love like Him combined with the message of transformation, community and multiplication that the Bible teaches about the church compel us to graft the identity of True Vine around our mission, vision and goals:
Our MISSION is the transformation of people to live and love like Jesus:
Changing People, Changing the World
Romans 12:1-2
Our VISION is for people to live and love like Jesus by seeking to:
Produce Disciplemakers, Partner to Serve, Preach the Gospel
Matthew 28:19-20; Ephesians 4:11-16; Acts 1:8
Our GOAL is to create and encourage opportunities for 5 essential disciplines that transform people to live and love like Jesus:
Pause to Worship
Gather to Grow
Partner to Serve
Discipline to Give
Seek to Invite
Our Larger Connection:
We are united in doctrine and mission with hundreds of other churches across the world as a member of the Evangelical Free Church of America